Savin Jones Insurance Agency Blog Page 9
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Saturday, May 31, 2014 Happy Dorchester Day 2014 Stop by our office with the kids for free balloons during the Sunday block party. We will see you there. We also would like to say "Thank You" to all our loyal Dorchester clients and welcome new clients as well. Have a great Dorchester Day 2014!!! READ MORE >>
Thursday, April 17, 2014 Warm and Fuzzy but are you covered in the event of a Auto Accident ?? Worth Reblogging - Ridesharing - Lyft - Uber - and others - With Mass Auto Insurance are you covered ?? New Endorsement Makes It Clear: No Insurance Coverage for Personal Insured Vehicles Used In Ridesharing Program! READ MORE >>
Tuesday, April 8, 2014 Condominium Master Insurance Policy Do you live in a Condo? Are you a Condo Trustee? If you are not a trustee forward this the to them. We could $ave you Hundreds of Dollars off your current insurance policy. Our Condominium Unit Owners Insurance Policies are made simple!! READ MORE >>
Wednesday, March 26, 2014 Ridesharing - Lyft - Uber - and others - With Mass Auto Insurance are you covered ?? New Endorsement Makes It Clear: No Insurance Coverage for Personal Insured Vehicles Used In Ridesharing Program!! Insureds / people trying to make money through vehicle sharing programs best read their new insurance policy carefully. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, March 19, 2014 Massachusetts Auto Surcharge and how the system works??? Purpose of the Massachusetts Safe Driver Insurance Plan The Safe Driver Insurance Plan (SDIP) encourages safe driving by providing incentives to drivers with clean driving records and ensuring that drivers who collect surcharge points pay more for auto insurance. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, March 12, 2014 Mass Registry of Motor Vehicles Fee Increase BOSTON — The state Department of Transportation’s board of directors voted Wednesday to hike registry, inspection and road test fees, making it a bit more expensive to own a car in Massachusetts. READ MORE >>
Friday, March 7, 2014 Spring Forward - Homeowners Insurance Safety Check ✓ Check and replace the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) alarms. Replace any smoke alarms older than ten years. Replace any CO alarms older than five years. ✓ READ MORE >>
Thursday, March 6, 2014 Condo Association Directors & Officers Liability Being elected to serve on the board of your condo association can be viewed as a great honor or a dreadful burden. Those who look for the positive in any new situation will focus on the fact that their neighbors have confidence in their leadership abilities. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, February 19, 2014 HO6 Condo Policies HO6 : Homeowner Condominium Insurance Condo Dwelling Coverage Insurance companies offer Dwelling Coverage, which generally insures the interior walls, drywall, wallpaper, paneling, flooring, carpeting, or built-in cabinets. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, February 11, 2014 Renter's insurance, commonly referred to simply as rental H04 insurance, is an insurance policy that covers tenants from loss of personal property. It does not cover the actual house or apartment that is being rented; that property is covered by the landlord’s insurance policy. READ MORE >>
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