Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Concessionaire/Vendor Product Concessionaire/Vendor Product Do you have or know of concessionaires, vendors or exhibitors who are selling, demonstrating, promoting or displaying their products or services in malls, shopping centers, trade shows, festivals, or a location that is offsite from any owned or long term leased premise? READ MORE >>
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
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Weather you have:
- Apartment Buildings - Condo Associations - Hair Salon - Day Spa - Flower Shop - Restaurant - Fine Dining - Pizza Shops - Fitness Studios - Gyms - Nail Salon - Veterin... READ MORE >>
Tuesday, March 3, 2015 Quote Your Auto Insurance With Us!! Click here for a free no obligation Auto Insurance Quote with multiple companies>>> We offer all that you see on Television Auto Insurance Ads, But Much More! Savin Jones Insurance stands out among Massachusetts Auto Insurance because: READ MORE >>
Thursday, July 24, 2014Condo Association Insurance - We want your policy>>> We offer Condo Association Insurance with much much more coverage for less dollars. Quote Us! - Small or Large Buildings - $2,000,000 / $4,000,000 - to $20,000,000 Building and Liability Limits - Directors and Officers Coverage READ MORE >>
Tuesday, July 8, 2014 We are happy to welcome The Norfolk & Dedham Group®, Fitchburg Mutual Insurance Company and The Dorchester Mutual Insurance Company to our agency. This is part of our ongoing effort to "Ensure" our current clients and future clients that we at Savin Jones Insurance can offer the best insurance rates available. READ MORE >>
Saturday, May 31, 2014 Happy Dorchester Day 2014 Stop by our office with the kids for free balloons during the Sunday block party. We will see you there. We also would like to say "Thank You" to all our loyal Dorchester clients and welcome new clients as well. Have a great Dorchester Day 2014!!! READ MORE >>
Tuesday, April 8, 2014 Condominium Master Insurance Policy Do you live in a Condo? Are you a Condo Trustee? If you are not a trustee forward this the to them. We could $ave you Hundreds of Dollars off your current insurance policy. Our Condominium Unit Owners Insurance Policies are made simple!! READ MORE >>
Wednesday, March 19, 2014 Massachusetts Auto Surcharge and how the system works??? Purpose of the Massachusetts Safe Driver Insurance Plan The Safe Driver Insurance Plan (SDIP) encourages safe driving by providing incentives to drivers with clean driving records and ensuring that drivers who collect surcharge points pay more for auto insurance. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, January 22, 2014 Best way to scrape snow and ice off your car Who loves chiseling ice off your car in the morning?? Not me!! If you park on the curb instead of under a shelter, our cars are susceptible to crazy temperature swings in which the snow will slightly melt then freeze into a thick layer of ice. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, January 7, 2014 How to prevent frozen water pipes in your home "Baby, It's Cold Outside" Pipes freeze due to quick drops in temperature, poor insulation and thermostats set too low. Both plastic and copper pipes can freeze and burst, and a cracked pipe can cause flooding, structural damage and mold. READ MORE >>
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