Savin Jones Insurance Agency Blog: dorchester ma insurance
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Monday, July 18, 2016 5 Reasons Why Renters Need Insurance - Ma Homeowners Insurance Protection for the landlord and renters Many renters are under the assumption that if they are living in an apartment or rented building, they are protected under the landlord's insurance policy. This is only partially correct. READ MORE >>
Friday, June 24, 2016 Does a Homeowners Policy Cover Damages During an Airbnb Rental? Like everything else touching the law, it depends. There are some policies which protect homeowners and renters from certain types of lawsuits that result from injury to a visitor, while other policies do not. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, March 16, 2016 Why WE WANT YOUR MA AUTO INSURANCE!! Why?? Because, If you have Encompass Auto Insurance, Liberty Mutual Auto Insurance, Progressive Auto Insurance, Hanover Auto Insurance, GEICO Auto Insurance, MetLife Auto Insurance, and or Amica Auto Insurance, WE believe you are paying too much $$ (Even Quote us with any of the above Group Auto and Home Insurance Discounts) READ MORE >>
Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Concessionaire/Vendor Product Concessionaire/Vendor Product Do you have or know of concessionaires, vendors or exhibitors who are selling, demonstrating, promoting or displaying their products or services in malls, shopping centers, trade shows, festivals, or a location that is offsite from any owned or long term leased premise? READ MORE >>
Wednesday, October 30, 2013 Massachusetts Condo Insurance HO-6 “Walls In” Coverage and when does a Borrower need it? MA “Walls In” coverage is also called MA Condo Insurance HO-6 coverage. READ MORE >>
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