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We offer all that you see on Television Auto Insurance Ads, But Much More!
Savin Jones Insurance stands out among Massachusetts Auto Insurance because:
- We offer great rates, exceptional customer service and unique benefits for our customers
- We reward you for your business as a policyholder as soon as your policy becomes effective
- You can get a free quote and buy your policy online, and then do business with us any way you choose – online, over the phone in our office
Our standard auto insurance policy offers you a competitively priced solution to meet your auto insurance needs.
Our Standard Policy includes “Replacement Cost Coverage” that, in the event of a covered total loss of a new vehicle with fewer than 15,000 miles:
- replaces the vehicle with an equivalent new vehicle, or
- pays you the difference between the actual cash value of your vehicle and the price of a comparable replacement vehicle, in the event of a total loss,
AUTO Discounts
Bundling (Auto and Home) Discount
- eDocument Discount, Safe Driver Discount, Student Away at School Discount, Anti-Theft Discount, Good Student Discount, Paid in Full Discount, Advanced Issue Discount,
Premium Package
Deductible Dollars, Accidental discharge of airbag coverage, Waiver of depreciation, Additional Towing and Labor coverage,
Accident Forgiveness
And Much Much More...... Quote Us online, By phone at our office Now!!

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(800) 550-INSURE
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